Flutter Developer in the Philippines

Flutter Programmer

With more than 15 years of experience in web and app development, our team specialises in Flutter development and other popular mobile frameworks.

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What is Flutter

Flutter is a mobile UI framework developed by Google. It allows the creation of native applications for mobile devices with a unique code base. This means that with one programming language and one code is possible to create two different apps, one for iOS and one for Android.

Here are some advantages in using Flutter for mobile development:

  • Simplicity
    Flutter is a modern framework, and building mobile applications with it is very simple
  • Native performance
    Flutter has widgets that include all the critical platform differences, as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts.
  • Fast compiling
    With flutter is possible to edit the code and see the results in real time. This feature is called hot-reload. It only takes a few seconds after saving for the application to update.
  • Supported by Android Studio and VS Code
    Flutter is available for many IDE. The two main IDEs for development with this technology are Android Studio (IntelliJ) and VS Code.

If you are looking for a Flutter developer in the Philippines, look no further! And get in touch with us

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